While Pratt & Whitney is focused on enabling sustainable aviation by developing more efficient propulsion technology, the company is also committed to continually reducing the environmental footprint of its own operations and facilities through greener business practices.

Pratt & Whitney 2025 environment, health & safety goals


Greener business improvements include energy efficiency upgrades, expanding the renewable energy portfolio, and minimizing landfill waste and water usage. Since 2006, Pratt & Whitney has reduced annual greenhouse gas emission reductions significantly and has increased waste recycling while reducing annual water consumption by double-digit percentages.

As part of RTX, Pratt & Whitney sets regular Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) goals, including targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, and waste.



GHG goal by 2025 (-46% GHG reduction by 2030)

Renewable Energy


Renewable electricity


Energy Consumption


Water consumption



waste to landfill and incineration

Energy Icon


implementation of energy/GHG, water and waste best management practices (BMPs)

Industry 4.0 at Pratt & Whitney factories


Pratt & Whitney has launched a dedicated effort across the company’s worldwide manufacturing footprint to modernize and transform its operations, supporting the overall Raytheon Technologies Industry 4.0 strategy investments - including connected factory, automation and enhanced process control. We have improved the overall effectiveness of our manufacturing footprint.

Our facilities repeatedly set new workplace EH&S performance benchmarks. This is a clear demonstration of how responsible management practices provide value to our operations, employees, customers, shareowners, and the communities we impact. And since we are after global and local impact, program governance begins at the local site level and flows upward to the top.

Exemplifying industry 4.0 manufacturing principles

State-of-the-art facility, best-in-class manufacturing technologies and processes.

Our new airfoil production facility in Asheville

LEED certified

Green Factory Forums

Best management practices

Materials of concern


With the introduction of the Green Engine Program in the 1990s, Pratt & Whitney has taken a leadership role in minimizing Materials of Concern (MOC). This focused our Design for Sustainability efforts in engine designs, manufacturing, assembly, maintenance, and repair. Today, we continue to invest in green technologies, including our suppliers' facilities.

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