We are dedicated to meeting customer needs. Pratt & Whitney provides newly manufactured parts for customers operating both current production engines such as the F100 (F-15, F-16), F117 (C-17) and F119 (F-22) and out of production engines like the J52 (EA-6B), TF30 (F-111) and TF33 (B-52, KC-135E, JSTARS, AWACS).
Facility Planning Services

Pratt & Whitney can provide facility-planning services to assist a customer establish its own engine maintenance facility, test cell or expansion program. These services can range from a simple Pratt & Whitney summary review to an on-the-spot detailed analysis. As a result of these reviews and analyses, we can provide our customers with a building layout showing department locations, workflow and equipment placement. We can also recommend required facility equipment and estimate costs.
Customer Training

Customer training is offered for intermediate level and depot level maintenance either in East Hartford at the Customer Training Center (CTC) or, if requested, at the customer’s facility. The advantage of providing training at the customer’s location is that the customer can avoid extended time away and the expense for its maintainers, with the customer furnishing a training engine.
Training at the CTC offers a world class facility with modern training aids and training equipment (support equipment and engines).
Areas covered in maintenance training include engine familiarization, borescope inspection, test cell operation, test and repair of engine controls and intermediate maintenance procedures.
Ace Event
Pratt & Whitney has formed a public-private partnership with the USAF Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center under the authority of 10 USC 2474, Centers of Industrial Technical Excellence. The partnering agreement establishes the cooperation and mutual support necessary to implement direct sales, work share or lease agreements for workload targeted for 50/50 compliance. The most recent version of the agreement with OC-ALC can be implemented for any of the Pratt & Whitney military products, including F119, F100, F117 and F135. This partnership is the model for future Pratt & Whitney public-private partnerships with other Department of Defense (DoD) depots and has been considered as a model in the aerospace industry.
Pratt & Whitney has worked with the USAF to implement the principles of the Raytheon Technologies Corporation Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE) at the Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center. The effort focused on improving the efficiency of our largest military customer through the use of set-up reduction, total productive maintenance, relentless root cause analysis, bench marking, value stream mapping and other ACE tools.
Additional Consulting Services

Pratt & Whitney also aids customers in developing the logistics programs that best satisfies their readiness requirements.
Pratt & Whitney provides all the technical documentation to fly, operate, and maintain our aircraft engine products. We publish the engine and maintenance manuals, service bulletins, special instructions, illustrated parts catalogs, other technical documents and training materials. All publications are continuously updated to incorporate the latest configurations, repair processes, and operating recommendations.