Eagle Service™ Plan (ESP™) Maintenance Program


For Business and General Aviation

Enhance long-term asset value, availability and performance through our predictive and preventive ESP™ maintenance programs.

ESP™ has no annual minimums and is transferable at the aircraft sale.

Customers enrolled in ESP™ now have the option to offset their carbon footprint with our new service add-on.

Why Choose ESP™

ESP™ is a pay-per-hour maintenance program that guarantees long-term engine maintenance costs through a planned and preventative approach to maximize your flying time. It helps enhance aircraft value by ensuring your engines are maintained to the highest standard. 

ESP™ Covers:

  • Major scheduled engine maintenance
  • Unscheduled engine & accessory maintenance
  • Required engine & accessory upgrades
  • …and much more.

ESP™ Delivers:

  • A long-term cost guarantee
  • Enhanced aircraft resale value
  • Transferability at aircraft sale
  • No annual minimums

ESP™ Coverage Levels

Carbon Offset Service

Offset your carbon footprint seamlessly when you are enrolled in ESP

ESPecially for Your PT6A

The first 400 hours are on us for your new PT6A engine

ESP Platinum for PT6E 67XP-Series Engines

Contactez-nous pour obtenir plus d'informations ou pour demander un devis.