Our Services

Request For Evaluation
This exclusive service is available only to the network of P&WC Designated Overhaul Facilities. To ensure timely processing of a Request for Evaluation (RFE), please provide as much information as possible; incomplete queries may result in longer response times.
Maintenance Deviation Letters
For operators who need to temporarily deviate from their engine’s maintenance guidelines, you may request a DAA (Design Approval Authority) letter to receive additional maintenance recommendations.
The DAA letter serves for in-service situations that have been reviewed and approved by P&WC’s customer engineering department. Examples of these include:
- Unavoidable maintenance scheduling conflicts
- Exceptional conditions that fall outside your engine’s published Instructions for continued airworthiness
Additional information can be found in our Service Information Letters index, numbers: GEN-122, PW900-019 or GEN-AXIAL-APU-008. For more information about technical publications as well as the latest indexes and revision status reports, visit the technical publications section of the PWC.ca website.
Electronic Data Analysis Service for Engine Data Downloads
Our Electronic Data Analysis (EDA) Service allows you to submit an engine data download for analysis when you need an impartial review, such as during a pre-purchase inspection. Once the analysis is complete, you will receive an Electronic Data Analysis report reviewed and approved by Pratt & Whitney Customer Engineering.
Additional information can be found in the Service Information Letters (S.I.L) NO. PW300-187, PW500-071 or PW600-026.
Electromagnetic Interference Evaluation Test
When installing certain electronic or electric equipment that could potentially interfere with engine operations, an Electromagnetic Compatibility qualification might be required. The Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Evaluation Test allows aircraft manufacturers, completion centres and operators to qualify new equipment that has been fully reviewed and approved by Pratt & Whitney Customer Engineering.
Additional information can be found in the Service Information Letter (S.I.L) NO. PT6B-014, PT6C-004, PW200-016 or PW210-004.
Engine-Related Requests
Pratt & Whitney can assist you with requests for engine-related information, such as documentation binders, replacement log books, replacement log book contents, verification and confirmation of the serialized component listing, original part(s) confirmation, Life Limited Component (LLC) Form 1 for spare pool parts, current available engine warranty status and other general requests for historical engine information.
Additional information can be found in the Service Information Letters (S.I.L) NO. GEN-061, PW900-019, GEN-AXIAL-APU-008 or GEN-RADIAL-APU-036.
These services are available on Pratt & Whitney's Customer Portal, MyP&WC Power.

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