Whatever It Takes: CFirst Goes Beyond for Its Operators
By Pratt & Whitney Customer Service
When a grounded operator couldn’t reach his destination, the Asia Hub and CFirst team in Singapore did everything in its power to help, from providing options to working during the holidays.
Constant Communication and On-Site Presence
For the Pratt & Whitney Canada Customer First (CFirst) Centre in Singapore, the golden rule of support is simple: keep aircraft flying, and when they can’t fly, get them back in the air by any means possible. A recent customer service case highlights the team’s commitment to this rule, even when things don’t go smoothly.
Last December, during a routine flight of a PW308C-powered Dassault Falcon 2000LX business jet maintained by Hawker Pacific Aircraft Management at Singapore’s Seletar Airport, the crew felt a strong vibration. An engine ground run performed after landing revealed that the vibrations were within the acceptable range—but the engine was producing an abnormal noise.
CFirst’s Lawrence Tan, Senior Manager, P&WC’s Asia Hub, recounts the story: “Hawker Pacific contacted us about the issue. We suggested various troubleshooting checks and communicated regularly with them to try and identify the cause.”
After reviewing the engine inspection results and data, CFirst recommended replacing specific parts and provided additional troubleshooting instructions. Despite these, the abnormal noise remained audible, and with two important flights coming up, the customer was concerned about the jet’s availability. Hawker Pacific requested on-site validation.

The assigned Customer Manager went to Seletar Airport to offer on-site assistance along with a CFirst member. They met with Hawker Pacific’s Jure Lenarcic, Head of Aircraft Management, to discuss the situation and determine the best course of action. After further tests, they decided to remove the engine and replace it with a rental.
Throughout the event, we went the extra mile by visiting and providing on-site support. During those visits, we rendered assistance in verifying the abnormal noise and vibration, as well as keeping the customer abreast of the situation during the whole process.
Providing Options to Support the Customer’s Needs
With many people taking time off for the holidays, there was only a skeleton staff at Hawker Pacific. A CFirst member made himself available to support the maintenance provider and answer any engine-related queries as they installed the rental engine. He was on site on December 23 and 24. The aircraft was then returned to service with a rental engine on December 26.

“Strictly speaking, engine replacement and installation is not an engine maintenance task. Under normal circumstances, we wouldn’t be part of the process,” notes Lawrence. “But we felt it was our duty to the customer to be there and help ensure a swift return to service during the exceptional circumstances of the festive season.”
P&WC went over and above in terms of the customer experience. I was very pleased with the close communication they provided and how they handled the event at every step. I appreciated the fact that their representatives were on site during the initial troubleshooting phase and the pre-holiday engine removal and installation period.
This vote of confidence was especially meaningful since the customer’s company recently ordered a PW307D-powered Dassault Falcon 8X, scheduled for delivery in December 2018. Thanks to the CFirst Centre’s dedication, the customer knows he can count on the support team to do whatever it takes to keep his aircraft flying.
As part of the global CFirst Centre, the team in Singapore provides 12/7/365 support to help meet the needs of P&WC customers both in Asia and around the world. Read more global support stories on Airtime, including Big Maintenance Needs at a Small Airport on Labour Day Weekend? No Worries and Hurricane Irma Avoided: CFirst Helps Jet to Safety.